Individual Wellness

Personalized Yoga Classes for Your Well-being

Our tailored private and group yoga sessions are meticulously crafted to serve as holistic compasses guiding you through your unique wellness expedition. Whether you're embarking on a path of recovery from injury, seeking solace from physical or mental limitations, or simply yearning for personalized care, our sessions are thoughtfully designed to cater to your distinct needs and aspirations.


We offer highly individualized private yoga classes tailored to meet your specific needs, drawing from your goals, lifestyle, and health considerations. Whether you're recuperating from an injury, navigating physical or mental limitations, or simply seeking personalized attention, our private sessions are dedicated exclusively to your well-being. Our sessions ensure that you receive the attentive care and support you deserve.

$60 per hour (1-3 people)


We take delight in integrating yoga into your special occasions! Hosting a yoga party provides a joyful and rejuvenating experience, ideal for commemorating events like birthdays, bridal parties, bachelorette getaways, family reunions, and more. Our offerings include options for a traditional yoga class or the opportunity to customize a healing mini-retreat tailored to your preferences. Our sessions ensure that you and your loved ones can cherish memorable moments while nurturing your well-being.

$200 per hour (10 people)

Travel costs may apply